Thursday started out as a beautiful day in Ma. Cheryl and I decided to do some shopping and have lunch. We had a great time shopping and the best lunch. On our way home we were on a 3 lane highway and it started to rain. We progressed and then the skies just opened up and it poured. This is not usually a problem.I was in the middle lane and I hit a very large puddle ( is seemed more like a lake) and lost control of the car. Now, I do not throw the word miracle around lightly but I believe that we experienced one. The car completed two circles as we headed for the side of the road. We hit the guard rail and bounced off of it and hit it again and landed pointing out into the first lane. The miracle (I believe ) is that the road had heavy traffic and I hit no one and no one hit us. Thank God. The two pictures are of my wonderful car, who I believe is totaled. I loved this car and will hate not to have her any longer. I already miss the heated seats. Cheryl and I are very sore and really bruised but we are okay. You can see Cheryl taking pictures of the car. Again, we are both so thankful. She took me today to clean out the car and to the rental place, so I could rent something until I find a new car. Sammi was in the back seat and she seems to have weathered the accident pretty well. She was very scared and shaky for a while. She did have her first ride in a State Troopers patrol car. LOL. He took us to a safer place so that we could wait for Cheryl's husband to get us.

On to the stitchy stuff. This is the December LHN monthly design. I really love this last two. I think that November is my fav of the whole series.

I will get these stretched so that They will be ready for the perspective months.

I finished this one while on vacation. I love the over one little tree.

I put this one in a black frame. You can almost tell that the fabric is a lovely green color. Thanks for reading my blog and leaving such great comments. I do have questions to answer and I will. Thanks for the patience. Until next time, Happy Stitching!
Oh My GOSH....Whewwww.... I'm glad you guys are OK !! That is way too scary. Hang in there !!
I am glad ya'll are alright. LOVED ALL THE CROSS STITCHING PICTURES..
Jeez how scary! I know you must have been terrified. The stitching is wonderful. I do love November and have just added it to my stash. I'm going to have to stitch the Quaker Oct 31 one too. Everytime I see it, I like it better! Celebrate your blessings..
I'm so thankful you both are okay. Sorry about your car hun; How scary; I hate wet roads worse then icy ones. You had an angel watching over you....
Hugs, Shar
I'm so glad everyone is ok. That must be scary!! We just had a miner accident ourselves 2 days ago, it was also raining. We were also very lucky that no one was hurt and our car just had some miner scratches. You do feel that someone is watching over you in these times.
All your stitching are beautiful!!! I love them all!!!
OMGoodness Deborah,you had an Angel with you!!! Please take it easy because it's always a day or two after an accident when you start to hurt worse than the first day. I;m so glad you ladies are okay. Please take it easy.
-missy- who is saying a prayer for you and Cheryl.
Thank goodness you are okay. That had to be terrifying. You certainly did have a higher being with you guys.
Love your stitching. I think I like LHN November the best too.
How scary it must have been for you all, I am glad you are ok and not hurt. I hate driving in such heavy rain when it pours down.
Your stitching is lovely.
You were so lucky, definitely. But it must have been so scary. Good to know that nobody was hurt.
You are doing some very nice fall stitching.
What a scary thing to happen. Glad to hear that overall you're both doing okay apart from feeling sore and stiff. Take care of yourselves.
Love your stitching, some great finishes and a very nice WIP.
Miracle indeed! I am so glad you are both okay. What a nightmare. Love your stitching finishes. I love the Christmas all year round one. Gorgeous. x
Gee, glad you are safe after all that.
Your framed piece has turned out lovely, I really like the green.
How scary! I'm so glad y'all weren't hurt! *hugs*
I am so glad that you guys are ok. Cars can be replaced.
Your stitching is beautiful. I love the Chessie and me piece and the LHS monthly pieces...I love everything that you've stitched.
I am so glad that everyone was ok and no-one was hurt, it must have been quite an experience for Sammi! Beautiful stitching too, I love the squirrel on the November design. Take care.
I'm so glad everyone is ok! You all must be so shaken up though! OMG! Hope you all recover from the shock ok. Love your stitching -- that Scarlet Pomegranate especially! And the LHN ornaments!
Oh, my! You are so lucky to have only gotten soreness and bruising, Deborah--I'm so sorry this happened to you. Can't even imagine how scary that must have been...
I love seeing your Nov. LHN--it is my favorite so far, too! And the framed Halloween Quaker is just lovely.
Hope you can find another car you loved as much as this one--know just what you mean about those heated seats :)
Scary! I'm so glad you're all okay. My daughter and I were each driving a car in that same storm in MA on Thursday afternoon and it was unpleasant for a just a bit.
So glad that you and everyone else is okay. What an ordeal!! Hopefully the soreness will subside quickly and you'll find another car with those heated seats! I know I love mine!
Great stitches as well!
I'm SO thankful you are okay. Please keep an eye on your sore bodies and visit a doc or Chiropractor if it continues.
So SORRY to hear that you had this accident. But you were both blessed in that your injuries were not more serious. You will be sore for a while, so take care of yourselves. Maybe the car search will be a fun thing, as the car manufacturers are always doing new things! Your stitching is very lovely! I enjoy visiting! Hugs.
Oh my goodness, so glad to hear that everyone was ok in the accident. Someone was definitely watching out for you. You definitely deserve a weekend of stitching.
Love the finishes!
OMG you were so lucky and to think that your injuries were not serious too! A miracle indeed. I'm sorry about your beautiful car but I'm so glad you were both alright.
Your recent finishes look great! I really love the Quaker Bool
So glad you are okay! How scary! Sorry you have to replace your car with the heated seats. :(
Oh my goodness, glad everyone is okay and I hope you aren't sore today.
Gorgeous stitchy pics too!!!
Wow! I'm glad you are all safe! I hope you find a car you like as well!! And your stitching is gorgeous. I love the November LHN piece!!
SO thankful you're ok. Accidents are so scary, and this looks like a doozy, looking at your car. Someone mentioned earlier than you'll be more sore later, and that's true. I was told it would be day three after an accident I was in, and it was ever-so-true, so don't make any big physical plans for a few days. Take care!
So glad to hear you are both okay and how scary for everyone involved!
Love your stitchy projects! That LHN squirrel is my favorite!
How scary! I am so glad you are all okay. It does sound like a miracle. Glad you are probably safe at home and stitching more wonderful things!!
What a blessing that you all are safe! Beautiful projects and great framing.
So glad you are all well - such a blessing. Volvo's sure are designed to take impacts like that. Sending you hugs x
Oh I believe in miracles and I'm so glad you didn't have any serious injuries, but boy that was scary. Take it easy and unwind with stitching.
So glad you weren't hurt badly in the accident!! How scary. They happen so fast.
Take care!
Indeed, from the looks of your poor car, you all DID experience a miracle.
Deborah, after looking at your car, you, Cheryl AND Sammi were lucky! I'm so glad to hear that you are all okay, except for bumps and bruises that is. I'm sorry about your car but you're more important :o)
Lovely finishes and the Quaker Halloween looks great in that black frame! I agree with you, the November LHN month is my favorite too ;o)
Yes, thank God you are both alright and it was only the car that got the worst of it. Take it easy for a couple days.
Great WIPs and Finishes!!!
Scary! I am glad you are okay. Lovely finishes, I especially like the Quaker Boo.
I'm so glad you are okay. That's a scary looking wreck of a car. :-(
The finishes are really pretty. Considering all you've been through, you deserve some serious stitching time to calm down.
OMG how scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad everyone is okay!!!!
First let me start with Thank God you are both OK. Second, Geesh what some people won't do to get a new car!!! Joking OF COURSE. I was caught in that same rain storm. It was like it came out of nowhere. I love all of your beautiful stitching projects. Happy to hear you got some done while on vacation cause truly what would vacation be without a little x or 2.
OMG someone was most definitely looking out for you! I am so glad that eevryone is OK.
Your stitching is absolutely beautiful. Love your finishes.
So glad no one was badly hurt in such a nasty accident. Do take care of yourself.
Your stitching pieces are beautiful!
Wow! Glad to hear that both you and Cheryl are OK. Sounds like a terrible experience, but you do seem able to put things in perspective. Your needlework pictures are gorgeous, as usual. Hope we see you on Wed.
Thank heavens that you and Cheryl weren't hurt! What a miracle for sure! Love your LHN pieces. The black framing is perfect for the October piece...love that one!
I'm really sorry to hear about your accident! Your stitching looks great!
Thank goodness you and Cheryl are safe! That is one scary experience.
Your stitching and framed Halloween piece look lovely.
How scary! Glad to hear that you and Cheryl are both ok.
Your stitching looks lovely.
Holy Cow! I know exactly what you mean about a miracle. I'm so glad you guys weren't hurt, but sorry about your car. I love your finishes and progress photos. Those monthly LHN are sooo cute, but they weren't in my budget. I opted for the monthly ornies instead!
How terrifying. I am so glad you and Cheryl are okay - and Sammi, too! Sorry about your car. I hope you find another car that you will love just as much. Your finishes and WIP's are so pretty. The frame for Quaker Boo is perfect.
Oh my, glad to hear you're okay. Judging by how the car looks, definitely a miracle. Beautiful stitching and framing. By the way, I'm having a Giveaway on my blog and you're welcome to join in the fun if you're interested.
Oh my gosh, how scary!! It truly is a miracle that you walked away w/o any injuries.
Beautiful stitching!
As a former New Englander...now in Arizona...I remember how those down pours could suddenly fall from the sky. You are very lucky indeeed to have walked away from that accident.Keep up the spirits with your beautiful stitching.
Oh wow!! How scary for you both! I'm glad you are both ok!!
Holy Moly, that's scary!! Thank heavens everyone is ok!
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