The pictures are out of order and I am sorry about that. These are the designs that I bought. Blossom Hill Sampler, New England Winter and Pumpkin Hill. You can click on any of the pictures for a better view.

A few weeks ago Joanne and I went to York , Maine for the day. I love Maine and try to go often. There is so much to see and do all over the state. We stopped in Kittery and shopped the outlet malls. Always fun. They have the greatest candy store named Yummies. We always stop at Stonewall Kitchen. They make and sell condiments, jellies, the best fudge sauces, mixes of all kinds. They also have a wonderful restaurant. I had lobster mac and cheese. Not low cal, I know, but so darn good. During lunch, I mentioned that I thought Donna's new store was in York. After we checked out of Stonewall, we went looking. Her store is in the town of York. Very inviting from the outside. The store was actually closed the day I was there but her lovely husband was in the store because they were having computer issues. He let me in and he said that Sammi could come in, too. Anyone that lets my dog in, is good with me.

The store is small but beautifully decorated. This corner is the winter and Christmas section. Her new winter design is on the right in the middle.

This corner had alot of the flower and water scenes.

She does sell some fabric and fibers. It was wonderful to see all of her beautiful designs done and on the walls. They are so much more beautiful in person. I have done a number of the designs. I did Winter, Autumn, Summer and Spring Cove. I bought 3 designs while I was there. (of, course) the picture is at the top of the post.
I will be going back. It was a great experience. My Wednesday stitching group talked about going up and visiting. I hope we do.
Hope you enjoyed my visit to By The Bay. I will be back soon. Betsy is almost finished and I put my boxes together. Until next time... Happy Stitching. Deborah
It sounds like you had a wonderful day. Thank you for sharing your photos they look lovely. How I wish we had a quaint cross stitch store like that in the UK x
Great new stash. Looks like you had a wonderful day. Thank you for sharing.
very nice , thank your for photos, just lovely
oooo lovely trip out and of course you had to get stash its a must where ever you go :) it is great to see all her charts stitched .. so much better to decide which one(s) you want ..lol love mouse xxx
We just returned from Kittery, ME about a week ago! I went to this little shop while there too...and of course I made a trip to Yummies...shopped all the outlets...etc.
It was cold and drizzly when I was there but I'm glad you had a great time. Isn't Maine lovely?
I haven't been to Maine since 1989! Looks like there might be a few new things I NEED to go see.
Thanks for showing us around and btw - great new stash!
I can't believe you're so close to finishing Betsy! I can't wait to see it.
Lovely new stash! I enjoyed seeing your photos of your trip.
That is certainly a perfect kinda day. So glad you were able to get in the store even though it was closed. Your stitching is lovely. I used to cross-stitch so much but can't seem to find the time for it lately and don't have the patience for big projects like I used to do. Quick and simple is usually what I go for. Hope you are having a great weekend. Tammy
Oh I want to visit that store too! It looks really nice! Thanks for showing us around. Glad you got to shop!
Wow, that shop is packed full of wonderful patterns and inspirations. Lobster mac and cheese sounds wonderful! Really makes me want to visit Maine. Thanks for sharing. ~Roberta
What a great way to spend the day!!
I didn't realize she had a shop in York! I'll have to remember that the next time we are down :o) I LOVE Stonewall Kitchen!!!! Yum! I'm green with envy over your trip. LOL!
Love By the Bay and really enjoyed looking at all the pics you shared. Thanks!
So glad you had a great outting! Thanks for sharing pictures of the store! Love your stash purchases!
Your little excursion sounds delightful and how nice that you were able to peek inside "By The Bay's" shoppe too! It looks very inviting. Thank you for sharing about your adventures!
What a great day!!! Great stash too. :)
I have always wanted to visit Maine - thanks for the little tour. I enjoy reading Donna's blog and it was nice to get a little peek inside her shop.
WOW! Great inspiration. Lucky you to see it in person. I really like a lot of the charts she puts out:)))
Maine is definitely on my list of places I'd love to visit. We had talked about a trip for last year but work was crazy with transition that we decided to not do it. We'll have to start talking about it again!
What a lovely store. I wish I had an LNS close to me. I can't afford to drive a long way to get to one!! Glad you had a good trip, and grats on the new acquisitions!!
Oh that looks like such a lovely store. Her displays are wonderful.
Sounds like you had a great time in Maine. The shop looks sweet and I love the designs you bought.
Thanks for sharing your trip with us. Great stash - and so kind that they opened the store for you.
I would be in heaven if I could visit Donna's store. I love her designs and it would be so fun to see all of them displayed.
WOW - a visit to Stonewall Kitchen - I have purchased their condiments for years and to visit their shop AND eat at their restaurant must have been heavenly. The visit to By the Bay was so awesome. You are so lucky you got to peek inside since they were officially closed. Love your Betsy - I can't believe how much you've gotten done since last post - I'm still perplexed where that Betsy rug canvas went off to. Enjoy the holiday weekend - melody
What a lovely shop she has. I have always loved her designs and will soon start my first By the Bay design. Thanks for sharing all the pictures.
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