My hydrangas have lost the blue color but they are still beautiful. They are greenish and lavender. I am going to try to dry them. Have never done it but why not give it a try. Anybody have any tips? I would love to hear them.

The last 4 days have been absolutely perfect weather wise. No humidity and low 70's. This meant that yard work had to be done. Mowing, weeding and blowing the mess away. This is Sammi helping. Can't ask for a better helper.

This was alot of stitching but so worth it. I am thinking a black frame. I will be dropping it off tomorrow after my stitching group. Next I think that I will do the current Ann. series--Happy Birthday by BBD. Thanks for all your comments. I appreciate them.
Beautiful finish on Midnight Watch. What a fast stitcher!
I love your Midnight Watch...just beautiful! I'm trying to decide on fabric right now. I want to use 36-count, but I have everything else all together.
As for your hydrangea--beautiful! I got very few flowers on mine this year. A few years ago I simply cut them and wired them to a wreath while they were fresh--they bend and do not shed much that way--and then hung the wreath. It was beautifully dried in a very short time. Hope this helps.
Love Midnight Watch - can't wait to see it all framed up!
Love the colors in your hydrangea! I cut some of mine last year and just stuck them in a vase with no water and they dried okay!
Sammi is a beauty and looks like a wonderful helper. :o) Midnight Watch is awesome - I think a black frame would be perfect.
Congratulations on winning the give away! Your flowers are lovely. I am sooo jealous of temps in the 70's. I can't believe how fast you stitch...Midnight Watch looks great!
Midnight Watch looks fantastic Deborah! Can't wait to see it framed.
We had those lovely low temps for about 3 days and now the humidity has crept back in and it's hot again.
Congrats on your win! You must be so excited.
Your hydrangeas are just gorgeous turning those colors! Yes, you should try to dry them :o)
Sammi is so cute.
Congrats on your lovely finish! I agree, a black frame would be perfect.
Btw, YOU were the one that had the hamburger cake I was looking to reference! LOL! I knew I saw it somewhere.
I think your hydrangeas are now very beautiful in color. In Holland, they are sold in florists like this to dry. They tell you to place them in a vase with water and let it go dry. They also say one stem will dry perfectly while another can crumble. It is a case of doing enough to get the dry bouquet you want. All this being said, I have tried to dry them and got rid of them in the end as I found them too dusty. On the other hand, I would love trying to make a wreath from them as I see them often here.
Love your Halloween stitching. I have a Halloween UFO and need to go dig it out. Humm...now where did I put it???
Sammi is darling!
Hugs from Holland ~
Midnight Watch is just wonderful--I love that design and you did a great job stitching it.
I have dried hydrangeas three ways--letting them sit in water until it dries up, hanging them upside down, and using silica gel (available at craft stores). For me, the silica gel works the best--but it is quite messy... Good luck :)
Hi Deborah, Midnight Watch is gorgeous! Congratulations on your finish. I stitched that last year, but still need to get it framed. Wasn't it a lot of fun to stitch? :)
I am envious of your weather. It has hovered in the high 90s low 100s here all week. Very hot and sticky!
Hope you have a great weekend! Send some of that cool weather my way. :)
I love your finished Midnight Watch. Now I want to pull it out and stitch it! Your hydrangeas are beautiful. I just love them and we had several when we lived back east, but unfortunately they don't do too well here in south central Texas :( Here I have to be happy with some pretty silk ones I found, which are sitting in an old pewter water pitcher.
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