This is my home before the hurricane and it still looks the same. Okay the yard is now littered with branches, sticks and leaves but no trees coming out of my roof! I have spent spent 2 days cleaning up and there is more to do. We just got our power back 3 hours ago. I am luckier than most because I have a total house generator. Without power I would have no water or anything else. With the generator, I have water (hot), the refrigerator stays working, microwave, lights in the bedroom, family room and part of the kitchen and TV. I feel very lucky.

This is a picture of the garage showing how wooded it is behind it. The picture below is the 2 trees that came down behind the garage. It hit the garage but did no damage. Thankfully. I also had a tree go down near the mail box. The tree company's will be out this week to give a price to cut up and clear the property. Again, I was so lucky.

On to the
stitchy stuff, I finished this last week, but blogger wouldn't let me post it. It is a
BBD design from the 2005 book maned Trix or Treat. Using 32 ct mystery fabric and suggested fibers. It's a great book and I will be doing more from it.

We lost cable with this storm, so a lot of stitching was done, as well as kindle reading. This A breath of autumn by
Chessie and Me. I am using the suggested belle
soie silks (love them) and 32 ct vintage
exampler. Love this! The floral is done in over one as is the wording. You can click on any of the pics for a better view.

For my birthday I received gift certificates. They didn't stay long in my
possession. This is the
Halloween selection.

And this is the general selection. So many wonderful designs, so little time. Thanks to everyone who gifted me and you know who you are. You all know that my
BFF is Cheryl and last week she underwent knee replacement surgery. She came home just before the hurricane hit. She has a bunch of services coming for awhile and she is doing well. I will be going over tomorrow to do some cleaning for her. She lives with 3 men who don't really clean. You know how guys are. They think that they are helping but.... I will be posting soon with my giveaway. A hint is that it will
involve one of the charts in the pics above. Which one will it be? Check back soon! Until next time....Happy Stiching! Deborah
I so glad you made it through the storm. I love the Chessie and Me piece. I got gift certificates for my birthday last week too. I see many of the same items I picked up in your new stash. The new Blackbird Designs really got me too.
Glad to hear you made it through the hurricane with relatively little damage. I love your Halloween piece. Great stash haul.
Glad that you made it through Irene as well as you did. We had mostly wind and very little rain. But, incredibly a few miles away had lots of rain and their power went out, so it was really a luck of the draw in NYC.
Your stitching looks amazing! Good luck with your giveaway.
When I reach 100 followers, I will have one too.
I enjoyed my stay here.
Glad to read that you and your home are safe!
Great stitches and stash'
Glad you made it through the hurricane okay. Great finishes and new stash.
So glad you were safe you have a lovely house, wow your stitching is fab and i love all your new stash.
Glad you are safe ;)
Enjoy all of that new stash !!
So pleased you survived OK with all those huge trees around you.
What a lovely selection of goodies you got with your gift certificates - I don't think I have seen the Farms of Hawk Run Hollow - must go look that one up.
I'm so glad that you made it through Irene w/o any problems! My mother (in Delaware) backs up to a creek and woods and was worried about the trees, but thank God she was fine. A house a few doors down had a tree through the roof, though. :(
Congratulations on your BBD finish! It looks great. I love your Chessie & Me WIP, too.
Great stash haul! Sending healing thoughts & prayers for Cheryl.
so glad that you are all safe..
very sweet lovely stash..have fun..
me sending you lots of hugs xx
Happy to hear that things weren't too terrible with the storm. At least you got lots of stitching time and the results look great. Enjoy your new stash!
You're a great friend to help out your buddy.
I'm glad to hear that your home did well with the storm. We live near a hospital so thankfully we're never without power for long. We should look into a whole house generator though as living in Florida hurricanes are a part of life for us.
Wonderful goodies! Happy Belated Birthday!
Lovely house - glad there was no damage for you. Great new stash! Aren't gift certificates the perfect gift?
Glad you made it through the storm with minimal damage. I keep asking for a generator, but so far nothing - maybe this last storm will get me one. Beautiful stitching! Really like the BBD. Great stashing job.
So glad you made it through Irene without major damage, Deborah. Your Halloween finish is great...I have that book and don't have too much to done but I love it!
You picked out lots of nice and wonderful things to look at, stitch and read. A friend of mine had the Schoolgirl's work - picking my copy up today and there's some good reading in there! Enjoy your great finds.
Happy your damage was minimal. Would love to have a generator-losing power is not fun. Love the Chessie and Me piece, pretty colors and I admire your over one stitching! You can't go wrong with a gift certificate. Looks like you got a lot of nice things!
Glad to see a post saying you are okay. Hope clean-up goes well.
Beautiful stitching! I'm glad you were spared any major damage by the storm. Blessings, Shirlee
So good to hear you and your lovely home are safe, Deborah! How nice to have a whole-house generator. We have only one that would run our refrigerator and a few lights in the kitchen and family room.
Your new stash is great--I've been eyeing that Chessie and Me chart that you're stitching, too. I'm sure I'll break down and order it when I see your finish :)
Glad you didn't have any major damage from Irene! I'm sure it was a great weekend for stitching. Love your Halloween pile - looks a lot like my pile - tee hee!!
So glad you made it through safely:)
Great stitching as always and a very nice stash haul!
Have a good week
Happy to hear you made it safe and well through the hurricane. Your new stash is great. So is your stitching. :)
I am really happy you are well and safe. hugs
Glad you made it thru with no damage - we are so thankful irene skirted NE FL and we hardly got any rain - next time we might not be so lucky and my house is surrounded by huge tall oak trees. I got the other new Chessie and Me - All Hallows Eve and I love her belle soie color selection - enjoy your birthday stash haul. Melody
I'm glad to hear you made it through the storm safe and sound. You are lucky indeed when you consider how many trees are around your property!
Love the Chessie and Me design. Very cute! I've just started the BBD Trix or Treat but now I'm at a standstill as I wait for a floss order.
Lovely stash!!
I'm glas that you came through the storm okay. My sister lost a tree at her place on Long Island and it took the power out and it's still not up.
Love your new stash and your new stitched pieces too. I love the colors in the Chessie and Me piece.
I'm glad that you got through Irene's furry relatively unscathed and are counting your blessings. I'm finding with maturity, these little upsets along life's paths are nothing to geet your panties twisted over and everything is doable.
Love all the goodies you acquired and you are such a tease! Si hi to Cheryl and I hope her recovery is thorough and speedy.
Glad you made it through the storm! Looks like you have some great new stash... am trying so hard to resist the new BBD! Love your halloween design too... need to get stitching on this one!
happy stitching...
See how smart you are- you used your new found time to stitch. Glad there was no damage. It was a blessing I am sure.
so glad you fared well in Irene. We did too, although our street did not! Trees went into roofs, downed poles. Terrible.
Your Halloween stash looks yummy! Your stitchy pieces are terrific too! There's nothing more fun than Halloween stuff! Please tell Cheryl I wish her a speedy recovery. I miss seeing both of you!
Your house is gorgeous! I love it :o) I'd love to buy it! LOL!
Glad you made out okay in the storm. You were super lucky those trees didn't land on the garage!
WOW! That's some awesome stash! Isn't the JCS Halloween book awesome? :o)
So pleased to hear you made it through the nasty weather without too much damage. I love your new Hallowe'en and Autumn themed stash, I can't wait to see which one you choose to work on first. Looking forward to the giveaway too! Best wishes.
Oh god, I would have given my right arm and maybe even a foot to have a generator this week. It's no fun having no power/water for days. :(
So glad to see you made it through okay!!
Glad to hear you made it through the hurricane with little damages. I love the Trix or Treat finish and you have some great new stash to stitch from!
I am happy to hear that you made it safely through the storm. Irene was on the war path!
Your stitching projects look great, I'm sure that it was a great way to pass the time while waiting out the storm.
I am so glad to hear you came through the storm okay. And what great fortune that the trees fell but caused no damage. How good that you have a generator.
Your stitching looks great and so does your new stash. You are about the fastest stitcher in blogland!
Hugs from Holland ~
Glad to hear that came though the storm OK and that had no damage to your house ( which is beautiful by the way).
Love your BBD finish I adore your Chessie and Me start. Think I'm going to look out for that one.
Lovely new stash!
Glad to hear you and your family were safe and there was no damage to your house which is just lovely.
I think you deserve your new stash after what you had been through with the weather xx
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